Friday, October 22, 2010

Final Fantasy 13 Fun

Ahhh... Final Fantasy 13 this is one of my favorite games. There are a lot of reasons I like this game: 1) there is a great storyline 2) the game has a great battle system and 3) the battles are FUN. Lets get down to the bottom of the story shall we?

The story starts off on a planet called Cocoon which is kind of the main location in the game. There is another planet called Gran Pulse. This place is very difficult It has enemies that are stronger than the final boss, which kinda sucks for me because they can kill me in one hit. Meanwhile on Cocoon, there have been discoveries of a Pulse Fal'cie in the cite of Bodum. The society is there of course, but there was a city wide-panic causing the sanctum to take out its personal army, PSICOM. The sanctum created this event known as the purge which transports people to Pulse. The main characters in the game are: Lightning, Sazh, Hope, Snow, Vanille,and Fang there are also other characters such as Serah, Dajh and Nora.
Alright now onto the battles... here is a video showing a simple battle

The battle system is made up of something called the paradigm system which you will be switching through the whole game. like this.........

All in all Final Fantasy 13 is a great game, there are many more things that make this game cool but, I can't go over all of them. (sorry) :(

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